Standards for qualifications
The minimum is 5 acres cleared land for agricultural and/or horticultural use and 20 acres for forest use.
Qualifying crops are:
- Forage crops
- Commercial sod
- Grains and feed crops
- Tobacco, cotton and peanuts
- Livestock
- Bees and products
- Commercial game
- Trees or timber less than 20 acres so spread as to constitute a forest area and produced incidental to other farm operations
- Fruits and nuts
- Vegetables
- Nursery products and floral products
Crop production
The field crop production must be primarily for commercial uses and the average crop yield per acre on each crop grown on the real estate during the immediate three years previous, must be equal to at least one-third
of the county average for the past three years.
To comply with state regulations and to qualify for the Land Use Program, you must have at least and cannot exceed the number of animal units listed below.
For every five (5) acres of land:
1 Cow | 5 Sheep |
5 Goats | 5 Pigs or Hogs |
100 Chickens | 66 Turkeys |
100 Other Fowl | 1 Horse* |
*Horses can qualify the land only if they are being used for a breeding or boarding business, riding academies, sale of manure and training. Horses maintained exclusively for recreational purposes DO NOT qualify the land.
To qualify for agricultural or horticultural use, all owners must certify that the real estate is used in a planned program of soil management and soil conservation practices intended to reduce or prevent soil erosion,
maintain soil nutrients and control brush, woody growth and noxious weeds on row crops, hay and pasture.