6/3/2024 RZ-2024-00806, Rezone 49.17 acres from A-1 to R-R/ Approved with proffered conditions
6/3/2024 SUP-2024-00803, Wireless Telecommunications Tower in A-1/ Approved with conditions
2/2/2024 SUP-2024-00756: Dog Grooming Facility in A-1/ Approved with conditions
12/1/23 SUP-2023-00751: Manufactured Home in R-3 Residential/ Approved with conditions
12/1/23 RZ-2023-00746: Proffer Amendment for 3966 Prices Fork Road/ Approved with conditions
11/1/2023 RZ-2023-00744: SHAH Development LLC; Rezoning to Planned Unit Development Residential (PUD-RES)/ Approved with proffered conditions
10/2/2023, SUP-2023-00733: DW, LLC, Temporary Rubble Landfill/ Approved with conditions
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755 Roanoke St., Suite 2AChristiansburg, VA 24073
Phone: 540-394-2148Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.email | directions