3/07/2025 SUP-2025-00882, A request by Shah Development LLC for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a Contractor’s storage yard.
3/06/2025 RZ-2025-00885, – A request by Stateson Homes (Agent: Balzer and Associates to rezone 276.66 acres, owned by Fotheringay, LLC, from Agricultural (A-1) to Planned Unit Development-Residential (PUD-RES), with proffered conditions.
3/06/2025 RZ-2025-00883, A Request by Northstar Church (Agent: Balzer and Associates) to rezone 10 acres from Agricultural (A-1) to Community Business (CB), with proffered conditions, to allow for future expansion opportunities for the existing church.
2/24/2025 RZ-2025-00861, Request to Rezone 1.571 total acres from Agricultural (A1) to Traditional Neighborhood Development Infill (TND-I), to allow a mixed-use development.
2/20/2025 CP-2025-00867, Amendment to the 2025 Montgomery County Comprehensive Plan
2/7/2025 SUP-2024-00866, Special Use Permit to allow short-term tourist rental within an existing dwelling.
2/7/2025 SUP-2024-00864, Special Use Permit to allow short-term tourist rental within an existing single-family dwelling and attached accessory dwelling.