Comprehensive Planning
A comprehensive plan is a long-range document that outlines a locality’s goals, desires, and future land uses. It is a dynamic document that changes along with the county, and its content is influenced by the residents of the county itself.
Montgomery County’s current comprehensive plan – Montgomery County, 2025 – utilized community engagement methods in order to create a plan shaping all decisions made throughout a twenty-year span (2005-2025). Using the collected community feedback, Montgomery County’s comprehensive plan states its visions and intentions for the future, effectively providing guidance on current issues with a future-oriented lens.
The County has now begun developing its updated comprehensive plan: Montgomery Matters. Montgomery Matters Open Houses are being held to both increase awareness on the planning process and gather valuable information on the citizens of Montgomery County. This information includes demographic data and community concerns about the County’s direction.
Learn more about the Comprehensive Plan at Watch a brief video about the plan.
Direct comments and questions about the Comprehensive Plan to Previous versions of the plan are available upon request.